Data on 1,387 European subjects from the POPRES panel (Nelson et al, 2008), and results from principal components analysis (PCA) of genotypes at 197,146 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs).



popres$x is a data frame with 1,387 rows and 10 columns, in which each row corresponds to an individual:


sample id


country of origin


abbreviated country label


mapping from countries to colors


geographic longitude, in degrees


geographic latitude, in degrees


projection of sample onto first 4 PCs

popres$rotation is a data frame containing the eigenvectors ("loadings") computed from the genotype data at a subset of the SNPs. The first two columns give the chromosome number (1--22) and base-pair position of each SNP.


Note that some of the country designations do not reflect current political boundaries.

Also note that "country" and "abbrv" columns do not correspond exactly; for example, abbreviations "GB" (Great Britain) and "Sct" (Scotland) are both assigned to samples from the United Kingdom.

Geographic coordinates are the same for each country, so all samples with the same country of origin are assigned the same latitude and longitude.


Data were retrieved and compiled from To reduce file size, only the top 4 PCs were retained.


Nelson, M. R., Bryc, K., King, K. S., Indap, A., Boyko, A. R., Novembre, J., et al (2008). The population reference sample, POPRES: a resource for population, disease, and pharmacological genetics research. American Journal of Human Genetics 83, 347--358.

Novembre, J., Johnson, T., Bryc, K., Kutalik, Z., Boyko, A. R., Auton, A., Indap, A., King, K. S., Bergmann, S., Nelson, M. R., Stephens, M. and Bustamante, C. D. (2008) Genes mirror geography within Europe. Nature 456, 274-–274.


# View the first few samples and genetic markers. data(popres) head(popres$x[c(1:3,7:8)])
#> id country abbrv PC1 PC2 #> 1 474 Croatia HR 0.0111 -0.0460 #> 2 660 Serbia and Montenegro RS -0.0300 -0.0443 #> 3 1890 Czech Republic CZ 0.0137 -0.0444 #> 4 1923 Bosnia and Herzegovina BA 0.0028 -0.0493 #> 5 2083 Serbia and Montenegro RS -0.0031 -0.0416 #> 6 2733 Serbia and Montenegro RS -0.0026 -0.0424
#> chr pos PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 #> SNP_A-1909444 1 742429 -0.860 0.026 0.536 0.150 #> SNP_A-1886933 1 775852 -1.140 -0.554 0.511 0.879 #> SNP_A-2116190 1 993492 0.230 -0.585 1.338 -0.065 #> SNP_A-4291020 1 1087198 -0.469 0.396 -0.835 -0.466 #> SNP_A-1902458 1 1120590 1.606 -0.912 0.214 0.315 #> SNP_A-2131660 1 1145994 -0.327 0.905 0.832 1.637
# NOT RUN { # See the vignette for more examples. vignette("popres") # }