Interface for quickly creating visually compelling plots from Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and accompanying data. Default settings are designed to produce interesting plots with minimal user intervention; for example, running plot(x) on "pcaviz" object x with no additional arguments will produce a useful visualization of the PCA results in most cases (see also the examples accompanying this help page). The plotting interface is also flexible and able accomodate fine-tuning for presentations, publications, webpages, etc.

# S3 method for pcaviz
plot(x, coords,
    arrange.coords = c("all.pairs","each.vs.pc1","consecutive.pairs"),
    plotly = FALSE, draw.points = plotly, label, group, color, shape,
    colors, shapes, abbreviated.label, = pcaviz_summary_default,
    group.summary.labels = TRUE, draw.pc.axes, hide.xy.axes,
    include.with.pc.axes,, draw.confint, confint.level = 0.95,
    show.r.squared, preserve.scale, overlay = NULL,
    geom.point.params = if (plotly)
      list(size = 3,stroke = 0,na.rm = TRUE)
      list(size = 2,stroke = 1,na.rm = TRUE),
    geom.text.params = list(size = 3,fontface = "plain",na.rm = TRUE,
                            alpha = 1),
    geom.point.summary.params = list(shape = 19,stroke = 1,size = 6,
      show.legend = FALSE,alpha = 0.8),
    geom.text.summary.params = list(size = 3.25,fontface = "plain",
      color = "black",show.legend = FALSE,alpha = 0.8),
    geom.segment.pc.axes = list(color = "black",linetype = "solid",
      arrow = arrow(length = unit(5,"pt"),ends = "both",type = "open"),
     size = 0.3),
    geom.text.pc.axes = list(hjust = "left",size = 3),
    geom.abline.params.linearfit = list(color = "dimgray",
      linetype = "dashed"),
    geom.abline.params.confint = list(color = "dimgray",
      linetype = "dotted"),
    scale.pc.axes = 0.6, theme = theme_pcaviz(), show.legend = TRUE,
    plot.title, plot.grid.params = list(), tooltip = NULL,
    plotly.file = NULL, …)

  # S3 method for pcaviz
screeplot(x, type = c("var","pve","eigenvalue"),
    geom.point.params = list(size = 2,stroke = 1,color = "black",na.rm = TRUE),
    geom.line.params = list(size = 1,color = "black",na.rm = TRUE),
    theme = theme_pcaviz(), plot.title = NULL, …)

  pcaviz_loadingsplot(x, pc.dim, color, colors, add.labels, min.rank = 0,
     gap = 0, geom.point.params = list(size = 1,na.rm = TRUE),
     theme = theme_pcaviz())

  pcaviz_violin(x, data.col, pc.dims, colors, sorted = TRUE, = median, horizontal = FALSE, theme = theme_pcaviz(),
    violin.params = list(trim = FALSE, show.legend = FALSE),
    plot.grid.params = list())

  pcaviz_colors_categorical(n = 7)


  pcaviz_shapes(n = 5)


  pcaviz_reduce_whitespace(x, dims)

  pcaviz_abbreviate_var(x, col,
    abbrv.generic = function (x)
      abbreviate(abbreviate(gsub("[^[:alnum:] ]","",x)),
                  minlength = 2,named = FALSE,method = "both.sides"),
    abbrv.custom = function (x)
      countrycode(x,"","iso2c",warn = FALSE))

    stat.numeric = function (x) median(x,na.rm = TRUE))



An object of class "pcaviz".


The names of the PCs or data columns to plot in the horizontal and vertical axes. This may specify more than two variables, in which case combinations of the variables will be visualized in different panels. For interactive graphics (plotly = TRUE), exactly two PCs or data columns must be chosen.


Specifies how combinations of the selected PCs or data columns are visualized in the scatterplots when coords contains more than two elements. When arrange.coords = "all.pairs", a scatterplot is shown for every combination of coords. When arrange.coords = "each.vs.pc1", scatterplots are shown the first element of coords against all elements. And when arrange.coords = "consecutive.pairs", a scatterplot is drawn for each consecutive pair of elements in coords.


Name of PC or data column in pcaviz object x.


Name of categorical variable in x to plot against the PC(s) in violin_plot.


Names of PCs in pcaviz object x.


Names of PCs in pcaviz object x.


Name of a PC in pcaviz object x.


If TRUE, an interactive graph will be generated using the plotly package. Note that some of the default plot settings are slightly different for interactive graphics.


If TRUE, points are drawn by default instead of labels. (Both points and labels are drawn if labels is not NULL.)


The column to use for labeling the data points. The default is to label the data points according to the first categorical variable found, otherwise the first data column of type character.


Categorical variable (column of type factor) used to for compiling and plotting summary statistics.


PC or data column used to color the points or labels. For pcaviz_loadingsplot, this should be a column of the rotation matrix that is a factor (i.e., categorical). Otherwise, this may be a categorical or continuous variable.


PC or data column used to determine shape of each point drawn. This option has no effect when draw.points = FALSE.


Colors to use in the plots. This should be a vector of colors which is passed as input to scale_fill_manual, scale_color_manual or scale_color_gradientn depending on the variable used for color.


Shapes to use in the plots. This should be a should be a suitable vector specifying shapes which is passed as input to scale_shape_manual.


Show the abbreviated labels instead of the original labels (as specified by argument label). This may either be provided by pcaviz object x in data column of the same name as label, but with an additional ".abbrv" suffix, or if not provided, it will be automatically generated using function pcaviz_abbreviate_var. Abbreviated labels are drawn by default if the original label includes strings that are more than 4 characters long. When an abbreviated label is generated, for convenience the correspondence between full and abbreviated labels is printed.

Function used to generate summary statistics. It should be a function that takes a data frame as input and output as a data frame with the same number of columns, and only one row containing a summary of each of the table columns.


If TRUE, label the summary statistics by the group variable.


If TRUE, draw the transformed PC axes.


If TRUE, hide the axis lines and ticks.


Statistic to show next to the axis labels: "var", for variance explained; "pve", proportion of variance explained; "eigenvalue", which is equal to the variance explained; or "none", to show only the axis label without an additional statistic.

If TRUE, show the linear fit between the horizontal and vertical co-ordinates, as calculated by lm.


If TRUE, draw the confidence intervals of the linear fit based on the quantiles of the linear regression residual.


A number between 0 and 1 specifying the quantile used to draw the confidence interval.


If TRUE, append to the title the (unadjusted) proportion of variance in the vertical co-ordinate that is explained by the horizontal co-ordinate; see summary.lm.


If TRUE, preserve the scaling of the axes using coord_fixed.


A function that takes as input a ggplot object and returns a ggplot object, presumably a modified version of the input object. See Section "Overlays" below for more information about this argument.


If TRUE, label variables along horizontal axis in pcaviz_loadingsplot. The default is to add labels only if a small number (<20) of variables are plotted


A number between 0 and 1. When min.rank > 0, plot loadings for variables only if the rank of the loading is greater than min.rank fraction of the variables. For example, if min.rank = 0.9, only the top 10% of loadings will be shown in the loadings plot.


Only relevant when color argument is specified. When gap > 0, the variables are grouped according to color (if they aren't already grouped), and an amount of space equal to gap is added between each of the groups.


If TRUE, the levels of the factor (categorical variable) in the violin plots are sorted in increasing order according to the selected PC(s). Note that if multiple violin plots are generated, the order of the factor levels may be different in each plot.

Function used to determine ranking for sorting factor levels in violin plots.


If TRUE, draw the violin densities horizontally rather than vertically.


A ggplot2 theme.


Additional parameters passed to geom_point to customize plotting of points.


Additional parameters passed to geom_line to customize plotting of plots.


Additional parameters passed to geom_text to customize plotting of labels.


Additional parameters passed to geom_point to customize plotting of points from group summary data.


Additional parameters passed to geom_text to customize plotting of labels for group summaries.


Additional parameters passed to geom_segment to customize drawing of PC axis lines.


Additional parameters passed to geom_text to customize text accompanying PC axis ines.


Additional parameters passed to geom_abline to customize drawing of linear fit.


Additional parameters passed to geom_abline to customize drawing of confidence intervals.


Additional parameters passed to geom_violin to customize plotting of violin densities.


Additional parameters passed to plot_grid to customize arrangement of plots.


Number between 0 and 1 determining length of PC axis lines. Numbers close to 0 are generally not recommended as they may produce incorrectly displayed axis lines.


If FALSE, hide the plot legend(s) that are normally generated by ggplot2. See also guides for more fine-grained customization of plot legends.


Plot title used, overriding the automatically generated plot title.


Character vector specifying which PCs or data columns to display in the plotly "tooltip". For more details, see ggplotly.


If not NULL, save plotly graph to this HTML file; see saveWidget for details.


Number of colors or shapes to return.


Generic abbreviation for character strings; see create_abbreviated_label for details.


Custom abbreviation for character strings; see create_abbreviated_label for details. The default custom abbreviation is to convert country names in English to 2-letter codes based on the based on the ISO 3166 standard; see countrycode for more information; including other options for generating country abbreviations.


Summary statistic for numeric vectors used by pcaviz_summary_default. It should be a function that accepts a numeric vector and returns a scalar.


Quantity to show in the vertical axis of the scree plot: "var", variance explained; "pve", proportion of variance explained; "eigenvalue", which is equal to the variance explained.

Additional input arguments to generic plotting functions that are not used here.


Function pcaviz_violin generates one or several "violin" plots for visualizing the relationship between PCs and a categorical variable.

Functions pcaviz_colors_categorical and pcaviz_shapes define default colors and shapes used for plotting categorical variables (i.e., factors) in the PCAviz plotting interface. These can be used as the values argument to scale_color_manual and scale_shape_manual. The colors are based on and the "Color blindness" paper by Wong (2008). If more than 7 colors are requested, the colors are repeated; if more than 5 shapes are requested, the shapes are repeated. Since LCM(5,7) = 35, functions pcaviz_colors_categorical and pcaviz_shapes can be easily combined to create as many as 35 unique color-shape combinations.

Function pcaviz_colors_continuous specifies the default color scheme (turquoise--red) used for plotting continuous variables (i.e., numeric data columns). This can be used as the "colors" argument for the scale_color_gradientn function. These colors are obtained from viridis::plasma(8).

Function theme_pcaviz defines the default ggplot2 theme. It is based on the cowplot default theme.

Function pcaviz_reduce_whitespace heuristically rescales the PC data to reduce the amount of "whitespace" (that is, unused space) in a PCAviz plot. This function often helps to make the plots more visually attractive. It also has the added benefit of minimizing the amount of automatic scaling done by ggplot2, so that, for example, rotated PC axes are less likely to be distorted. Dimension dims[1] is always unscaled, and the remaining dimensions are scaled relative to the first.

Function pcaviz_summary_default is the default function for generating group summaries. It takes as input a data frame, and outputs a data frame with the same number of columns, and only one row: if a column is numeric, it outputs the median; if the column is a factor, it outputs the level with the highest count; otherwise, it just outputs the first row.


Functions plot.pcaviz and pcaviz_violin return a ggplot object.


For additional customization of PCAviz plots, we have included an "overlay" option. When not NULL, argument overlay should be a function that accepts a single input argument, a ggplot object. The return value is also a ggplot object, which is presumable a modified version of the input ggplot object. The overlay function is called before any graphics ("geom's") are drawn, so that any points, labels and so on are plotted on top of the overlay graphics.

The overlay function can be very simple. For example, this overlay adds the x = y line to the plot: overlay_abline <- function (p) p + geom_abline(slope = 1, intercept = 0, color = "orangered", linetype = "dotted").

See pcaviz-maps for examples of overlays that draw world maps on the plot using the maps package.


Note that some features of ggplot2 graphics are not fully implemented in plotly, so some of the plotting options are disabled when plotly = TRUE.

All plotting variables must be specified as character strings. This is because the ggplot2 aesthetic mappings are specified in PCAviz using aes_string, not the more commonly used aes. The latter is more flexible (e.g., can take expressions instead of column names) but is also more error-prone when used inside a function due to the fact that the expressions will be evaluated outside the function call.

One important reason for using ggplot2 graphics is that plots are easily extensible. However, due to ggplot's use of R's "lazy evaluation", the inherit.aes option should be set to FALSE when adding additional layers to the plot; e.g., using geom_point. See the examples below and vignettes for demonstrations of how to correctly extend plots created using the PCAviz plotting functions.


Wong., B. (2011). Points of view: color blindness. Nature Methods 8, 441.

Wong, B. and Krzywinski, M. (2013). Points of view: plotting symbols. Nature Methods 10, 451.

See also


# Create pcaviz object from prcomp output. data(iris) x <- pcaviz(prcomp(iris[1:4]),dat = iris) # Plot the samples projected onto the first two PCs, and label the # samples by Species. plot(x)
#> Abbreviations used in plot: #> Species Species.abbrv #> setosa st #> versicolor vr #> virginica gn
#> Proportion of variance explained (PVE) will be added to the axis labels.
# Show Species as different colors and shapes. plot(x,draw.points = TRUE)
#> Proportion of variance explained (PVE) will be added to the axis labels.
# Show Petal Width as different colors, and Species as different shapes. plot(x,draw.points = TRUE,color = "Petal.Width",shape = "Species")
#> Proportion of variance explained (PVE) will be added to the axis labels.
# Plot the first PC vs. Petal Width. plot(x,coords = c("PC1","Petal.Width"),draw.points = TRUE)
# Plot different combinations of PCs 1-4. plot(x,coords = paste0("PC",1:4),arrange.coords = "all.pairs", draw.points = TRUE,group = NULL)
#> Proportion of variance explained (PVE) will be added to the axis labels.
plot(x,coords = paste0("PC",1:4),arrange.coords = "each.vs.pc1", draw.points = TRUE,group = NULL)
#> Proportion of variance explained (PVE) will be added to the axis labels.
plot(x,coords = paste0("PC",1:4),arrange.coords = "consecutive.pairs", draw.points = TRUE,group = NULL)
#> Proportion of variance explained (PVE) will be added to the axis labels.
# Draw the rotated PC axes. y <- pcaviz_reduce_whitespace(x) y <- pcaviz_rotate(y,15) plot(y,draw.points = TRUE)
#> Proportion of variance explained (PVE) will be added to the axis labels.
# Show the proportion of variance explained by PCs 1-4. screeplot(x)
# Plot Species against PCs 1-4. pcaviz_violin(x)
# NOT RUN { # One advantage of ggplot2 is that it easily allows for combining plots; # here we give an example of overlaying additional data on top of the # PCAviz scatterplot. Note that the inherit.aes = FALSE option is # needed, otherwise it will give an error. library(ggplot2) d <- subset(x$data,Petal.Width > 2.25) d <- with(d,data.frame(x = PC1,y = PC2)) plot(x,draw.points = TRUE,group = NULL) + geom_point(data = d,aes(x = x,y = y), shape = 1,size = 5.5,inherit.aes = FALSE) # These the vignettes for extended demonstrations of the PCAviz # plotting interface. vignette("iris") vignette("popres") vignette("regmap") # }